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Meaning behind the Prints

Each print is a unique work of art inspired by my journey in life and my desire to keep going no matter how challenging life can feel. It’s been my healing journey designed into art for others to share. It’s been about empowering a team of beautiful people in my life that have the same commitment. It’s putting on something that gives you a feeling to maybe do something that you have never done and inspire the courage to do it anyway. To be yourself, to be human, to be vulnerable and show up in life. To stand for yourself and others. 

It’s an honour to create and share this journey of life with you and create clothing that means something.

From my heart to yours,
Jill Boychuk
Founder EarthGroove

Love Tree

A magical tree full of love and joy. Follow the flow of life or the river to see what you will find and where all the magic happens. This print resembles you walking into a magical forest where you never know where your path will take you. There is a glow of hope and beauty surrounding the Love Tree and more than you can imagine if you trust and follow your heart. We are One- Love Tree leaves floating around spreading joy and love around the world together as community, and a stand for mental and physical wellness by inspiring and helping others.


This us one of our first prints that we created but is still a fan favourite. They are words that popped into my head when I thought about life in that moment. Bold colourful words with meaning to inspire ad empower on your journey of life. Trust, Love without regret, Be True, Create, Show Up, Smile, Take Chances, Be Bold, Stand Tall, Create Adventure,LOL, Dare to Dream, You are blessed, Be the One.

Ribbon Goddess Warrior

Inspired by a mural of a beautiful, powerful women on a wall in Mexico. On a run, it stopped me in my tracks. The words in the print are powerful with intention to get you through some of the most difficult times in your life. What do you say to yourself to support your mental and physical well-being? Comes in 2 prints-Ribbon Goddess Warrior- all the causes, Pink Goddess Warrior- breast cancer, women power.

Hero Warrior

Created and designed by Hiro and Mike two powerful men with lots of vision and passion for life. “Fall down seven times, get up eight”, a Bruce Lee quote connected to flow and being a warrior. This print represents strength and the courage to keep moving forward. Beautiful colours with a Japanese feel and symbol for “Fall down seven times, get up eight”, to inspire you to do just that!


Boom, Pow, Kazoom, Zip!! A Superhero print with power and flare! Comic- like and fun to add adventure and energy to your day. Bold colours and captions to empower you. Inspired by all your favourite superheroes to make you feel like a kid again!

Stand By Me

The Stand By me Tree resembles a community- Standing tall, rooted together with the branches connected like a community. The green in the print stands for mental health and the “;” is the symbol for it. Behind the Stand By Me, Tree is glowing to resemble hope and encourage change and transformation along with strength.

Do More That Makes You Happy

What makes you happy? Do more of that. Find joy in your life. Most of the time it is the simplest things that bring you happiness and joy. See the gratitude in your life and the wider view of life by as simple as smiling and spreading positive energy to those around you. I realize these connect me back to who I am and when I feel my best.

Spirit Bear

Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail… This beautiful print is full of colour and wonder that signifies strength and tranquillity all in one. This bear symbolizes the healing of oneself or others or both.

3D Skulls

Fierce and Badass, this print is one of our customer’s favourite fun prints to rock out your day in. Customers asked and we created this print early on that still is a top seller. A signature black and white print with some goth that puts the power in your workouts or your day.

World Traveller

Like a vintage map, this print is rustic and full of adventure. “Sometimes you got to get lost to be found “is repeated in the print to resemble events in our life where we needed to find ourselves again. Inspired by a time in my life when I shifted and changed direction to fulfill my dreams and a different adventure.


“It’s My Time to Fly”. Transition, dream, believe in yourself and fly!!
Soar and embrace change so the impossible is possible. This print has beautiful branches to resemble the di
fferent directions life takes us and the beauty of a blue magical sky behind the print. Comes in a white version as well( original design).

Endurance Woods

“The Woods are Calling me, and I Must Go”… one of the first prints I created while sitting on the deck at my cabin at Clear Lake, MB and one of my favourite places. This resembles what I saw in the sky at dusk- a glowing, calm blue colour with the beautiful trees in front of the sky. An enticing, calming print to get you into the woods!

Roots of Happiness

Branches over multiple colours or black make this a fun happy print which also grounds you with the roots. A beautiful print inspired by nature and fun to play outside in nature or create magic in your day. One of the first prints we created was inspired by my mom whose ashes are at the roots of a tree at my cabin and named by my daughter Brooklyn. Comes in tricolour and black options.

Northern Lights

Magical moments… Both legs are different and unique with Northern Lights dancing in the sky. You never know when magic can happen- embrace the moments and find joy in your life. Beautiful colours surrounded by nature- mountains and trees to “light” up your day!

Happy Polkadot

Fun and casual with bold coloured polka dots to make you happy and smile. Simple but elegant that match anything. Inspired by Larissa, a customer that wanted “Happy” tights, we took this on, and customers love them!

Groovy Polkadots

Neon colours that pop out the “groovy” into your day, swirls of circles, fun, and energy to make you smile and groove with vibrant, loud colours. Put a pep in your walk, run, or workout with this fun-loving print!

Bronze Birch

They were created and designed by taking in nature and birch trees on a walk. A realistic feel of bark on the tights you see in the forest came together with the unique colours to create a “glow” in this print. Shimmery yellow, green and blues make this print eye-catching and gorgeous.


Gorgeous turquoise and teal colours with splashes of pink, lavender, black and white resemble the beauty of a peacock with some added punch. The peacock feathers run down your leg on this flattering print to lengthen the leg. We all love a beautiful creature with striking colours on its feathers to bring inspiration and beauty to the world.

Skull tree

Inspired by a motorcycle I saw at Clear Lake, MB, hand-drawn skulls and trees make for a spooky, badass look with simple colours but a fierce design to get you through any workout or day.


A sparkling print that looks like crystals and glaciers of ice with vibrant aqua turquoise and silver to resemble our beautiful glaciers and nature in Canada. Dreamy and calm with a boldness to be noticed is in this print. Magical to your eye and for others to see.

Amy’s house

Each element of this print is meaningful, from the chickadees that ate out of Amy’s hand, to the trees and trails of our river valley, to the rich fall colours on full display for Amy’s birthday and the race. 

The print also features a quote from Amy’s IG: “I am going to make everything around me beautiful,” and we couldn’t agree more. Run On supports the beautiful work being done by keeping Amy’s House open for families that need it.

Cheryl’s Run

Wherever a beautiful soul has been, there is a trail of beautiful memories… Created with magic, sparkle and wonder with a glow to give back to blood cancers and leave a legacy. Spread your wings and fly by purchasing this beautiful print with floating butterflies, blood droplets, sparkles and lots of love.

Warm hands, Warm Hearts

A print designer to give back to the homeless with warmth mixed with the cold to resemble us giving back to those in need. Founded by an ambassador, Jen Hamel, while giving her mitts to a homeless person, the initiative has expanded to backpacks full of warm gear and essentials to give back every year before the holidays. Purchase this print to make a difference with others. Print comes in black, red and blue versions.

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